A Travellerspoint blog

To go north, head west

ferry hopping amongst the islands



Day 12-13

Back in the saddle. We biked along Lido and other island strips to avoid Venice with bikes...and because it's great biking. Awesome tailwind, quaint adorable colorful towns. Good Gelato. I reccomend the route. Everything is closed from 1-4...so keep that in mind.

As we headed north, we were under the never ending raincloud for most of the day. We took shelter a few times...with cows. Then a church. It really downpoured.

Eventually we just got wet so we could make it to Padova - an ancient college town. Galileo, Dante and other important dudes passed through this town...but probably not with bikes.

OH! And we saw wild flamingos and feral peacocks! Super cool. Are albino peacocks a thing or did we discover a new subspecies? If so, I name it flamingamos risacahnno. Since she's italian.

Up to this point, we had official destinations and most lodging figured out. Now we are winging it. We have no idea how far we will bike or where we will sleep. It's a little unnerving but with the unpredictable weather and incline, the kids' stamina dictate the day.

So from here on out it's a hope we stay dry and sleep warm kinda trip. And don't have the cops called on us. That's a big one.

Posted by risajs 03:58 Archived in Italy Tagged padova lido

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A wing and a prayer and no cops. Keep on keepin' on.

by glenn

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