All good things come to an end
with a taste of bitter sweet
Day 23 - 29
Darien, Sawyer and I spent a solid 7 days biking up and over the Alps back to Salzburg and towards our flight home. To say it was amazing and stupendous and wonderful would be a slight exaggeration. It was beautiful and challenging -- dealing with two kids who have different temperaments and coping mechanisms was humbling. Homesickness was an issue, even when treats and waterslides were thrown in for motivation. The weather, although beautiful at times, was also wet and dreary and windy as well. Good affordable lodging was complicated if we wanted to eat out.
Yet we made it to the end, safely in one piece, with pride helping the kids pedal.
The kids learned some of mama's traveling tricks -- sleeping behind churches or in parks. They learned the kindness of strangers -- a neighbor Daniel brought us pizza while we slept in the park.
They learned about homelessness and beggars and that life isn't fair. Or that if you don't eat the snacks you bought, you won't eat.
Or how to break through the hole in the border patrol fence to get an accurate picture with the German border sign.
Most importantly, they learned that you have to work hard if you want it.
The kids managed over 1000km in less than 30 days. Pretty impressive I'd say.
When asked what they learned about themselves, Darien said ...
"I always want to try. If I have the strength, I always want to do it and try and learn and think I can.
I've learned more to express my feelings and what I need and how.
I've learned to try and be calm and do everything that needs to happen.
I'm amazed I did it and I think it was one of the hardest things I've done in my life and I also learned to communucate with my family what I need and get to know them more."
Sawyer stated:
"I learned that if I try, I can do more than I thought I would. .... And life is not easy for a kid."
Sawyer wants you to know that "you should go into the world and if you have dreams, take it off the shelves and start achieving your dreams and go on adventures because it will be fun."
Although it will be nice to be home and eat comfort foods and fall asleep at a reasonable hour, it was sad taking apart my favorite bike to leave. I could spend the next ten years connecting safe bike paths through Europe and putzing along a historic countryside. I learned more about how to bike travel with kids (and what not to do again) and that for every hard moment, good moments do follow. Sometimes it just takes patience.
Thanks for following along and especially your comments. The boys and I truly appreciated reading and knowing you were on our adventures.
Now some rest while I dream about my next trip.
Jared = 724 km / 450 miles
Sawyer = 1024km / 636 miles
Darien = 1108 / 688 miles
Risa = 1162 km = 722 miles
Posted by risajs 13:32 Archived in Austria Tagged salzburg bike path tauern
Yeah Risa! Living your dreams. Love it!
by Quartz