A Travellerspoint blog

Oh, the places you'll ride

with the Turtle and the Mule.

all seasons in one day 34 °F
View montana on risajs's travel map.

Oh, the places you'll ride

(inspired by Dr. Seuss).

Today starts your ride.
For your first day of Kindergarten
You'll bike the Continental Divide.

Lake Louise to Jasper, Canada;
That's not very far.
At least not with a full tank
of gas and a car.

Yet 233 kilometers
Is hard to complete
When the Mule and the Turtle
Pull you up 5,000 feet.

In the wild things can happen
And frequently do
To people as gutsy
And kooky as you.

And when the gears starts to turn
Don't worry. Don't cry.
The best is only in view
If you try.


Your first days of Kindergarten
won't be average at all.
You'll learn physics and gravity
and how summer becomes fall.

You'll touch glaciers and rivers,
See avalanches and lakes.
You'll climb high up to waterfalls;
Learn how canyons take shape.

You'll do yoga every morning
To stretch out your spine.0904190958a.jpg
Except when it's cold out,
You'll sleep until nine.

Which is most days it turns out
When you're sleeping near snow.
The summer temp may reach
A whopping cold three below.

You're expected to journal
and record your thoughts.
You will be tested
On all that you're taught.

Sometimes you'll be cranky
Or angry or crass.
Perhaps it's from spending
All day on your ass.

Some days it may rain IMG_20190831_091734.jpg
and the wind will be brutal
You should bike up a mountain
But feel like it's futile.
So you'll stay at a hostel
And instead of paying cash
You'll stack 4 chords of wood
and take care of your rash.

Campgrounds and outhouses;
You won't choose to go there.
You will hope to sleep somewhere
With a view and a bear.IMG_9558.JPG

But a bear you won't find,
You are five and too loud.
It's amazing how two people
Sound like a crowd.

Instead friends you will find
When you're not in a hurry.
You'll trade drinks for cookies
As you share your journey.IMG_20190906_081346.jpgIMG_20190902_091652.jpg

Every day will bring wonder
And magic and mystery.
Please remember those glaciers
For they're almost history.

Darien and Sawyer,
you were worth the extra weight.
When you weren't hungry,
You made quite a good mate.0903191018a.jpg0903191028d.jpg

You have come to a place
That is special and wild.
I am honored to witness
you grow as a child.

Posted by risajs 15:15 Archived in Canada Tagged lake to louise jasper

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Amazing!!! Don’t stop!! Your kids are so cute!!

by Erin Bump

this is the best!

by Marlene Saccoccia

Super congratulations on your trip!!! Looks like you had a great time. We are so happy for you.

-- The Spanish cycling family you hosted three years ago :)

by Alvaro, Alicia, Lucas (and now Eva)

I love getting your posts Risa. Always warm the heart and bring a smile. Best kindergarten ever, beautiful family.

by Katie Pease

Wow! You all are amazing!

by Linda Lawson Elman

You guys are amazing!! I am so jealous!! No pics of you jumping??!! You are inspiring :)

by Mara Zello

Much better than Dr Seuss! Love this -- hope the twins read it when they're older and appreciate what a very "special" education they're getting with you and Jared that will prepare them for living in the world and in the wilderness. Love ya! Mom

by Barbara Schiffman

Risa, bein' I'm your Dad, in our next life, will you be my Mom? P.S.--This is better than Dr. Seuss version of "Oh the places you'll see."

by glenn

Wonderful beautiful pictures I am so jealously
The north west is so beautiful and your family is the best
Don’t ever stop traveling

by Dorinne schiffman

I'm a friend of your parents and enjoy seeing photos of your adorable boys. You are doing some amazing parenting too!!!!

by Connie Ventress

Amazing Reese! Proud of you! You could def pen a children's book re the experience

by Jenny

Can I hire you to be Pilar’s Pre-K teacher? ????????????

by Maiko

I am sure I will never be as hard core as you, but I am definetly inspired. What a wonderful way to live.

by Gretchen Barfoot

A remarkable post, for real and for true
These two kids are lucky to have parents like you!

by James

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